Its always handy (and free) these days to simply find and download your favorite songs at a click, But what seems free and easy to us may cost someone a loss of million dollars or their jobs. Ghana alone has lost $3.7 million jobs due to piracy and britain has lost 219 million GBP with 7.7 million people illegally downloading
the music.
This has awakened the government and every country has started battling out with this infestation of pirates.
The British government has come to a point where they will monitor closely and after two warnings will discontinue the internet service of illegal file downloaders. Music sold on internet now comes with DRM(digital rights management)which places restrictions on what customers can do with the music bought online. A copy of a DRM-protected song posted on the Internet, doesnt play on a downloader's computer or portable music device. Google is taking measures now to curb this piracy, the search giant will implement four changes, including the removal of words that are associated with piracy from appearing in its autocomplete feature although this isnt helping much but the music industry considers this as a good initiative.
Today a number of new music services have come up with an idea of offering legitimate options to listen or buy downloads like streaming online, buying downloads and subscription where limited songs are offered for some fee.
Of course its a long way to go and some what impossible to completely curb the piracy, but atleast it should be lessened so that it wont play on the rights of people who are not involved in it.
Sources:- BBC, BBC, BBC
I think that piracy is a huge problem for music labels and artists. Significant and well known legal suits have already taken place, such as when Metallica sued Napster for the the alleged illegal downloading of their music, which was costing a vast financial loss to the band and record label. Some measures must be taken to stop piracy since it is harmful for music and therefore for culture. However, music labels and artists must come up with new ways to distribute music and making it more accesible. In the end music labels share reponsibility for the success of the piracy industry. If you want to check out how artists have come up with new ways to deliver music to the consumer and their reactions towards music labels visit my blog ( and feel free to leave any comments.